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Crossfaded - Dual Crossfader & Panner [Black]

Crossfaded - Dual Crossfader & Panner [Black]

Regular price $209.00 USD
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Mehr Music Machines - Crossfaded - Dual Crossfader & Panner


Crossfaded is 14HP VCA-core utility for Eurorack Modular Synthesizers

Features: Dual 2-channel crossfader/panner VCA
CV control over pan/fade
Built in LFO with two shapes: Swirl (triangle) & Bounce (square)
Dedicated LFO output

Each of the two crossfader sections has 2-input and 2-output. When using both signal inputs the output signal will present the opposing input signal. For example: Signal input 1A fades between outputs B to A. While simultaneously the opposite is true; Signal input 1B fades between outputs A to B.

When only one input is used the outputs can be patched to a mixer's left + right channels for a classic "Auto-Pan" effect. Adjust the LFO's rate and depth to taste.

VCA mode: for a classic VCA, patch a signal into either section's input, and utilize a single output. You now have a smooth linear. Crossfaded is AC & DC coupled, which means you can patch either audio or control voltage into the inputs. This is perfect for gradually (or abruptly) fading between pitch sequences, LFOs at differing speeds, or oscillator waveforms.

The CV knob determines the depth of the control voltage's effect on the crossfader. With no external CV patched in, the CV knob will control the depth of the on-board LFO. Patching an external CV overrides the LFO. However, the LFO can still be used independently via its output.

To offset/adjust the zero point for CV control, each section has a trimmer potentiometer on the back of the PCB.

Patch Ideas:
Patch channel 1's LFO into IN1A 
Patch channel 2's LFO into IN1B
Choose different rates for each LFO,
Patch Out 1A to a filter (Poodleface?) cutoff
Manually use the crossfade knob to scan between the two LFO's
This creates interesting combinations and time-warping modulations.

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